Join the Planning Committee Today!
We are now accepting nominations to join the Ven-Con Planning Committee through December 2nd. The Planning Committee will serve as the guiding body as we establish more formal governance for Ven-Con in 2025. Use the form below to submit your application to be on the committee.
For more information about the Planning Committee, please see the “Planning Committee Information” section below the form.
Planning Committee Information
The Planning Committee will serve as co-organizers of Ven-Con until the founding Advisory Council is formed. Below is the proposed composition of this planning committee, its objectives, and timeline.
- No more than 11 people. Any given constituent, including the founding organizers, may only have 1 seat on the planning committee
- Founding organizers will each have a seat on the planning committee, allowing 9 additional constituents to volunteer
- Balance of constituency types/perspectives: i.e. multiple vendors and consultants of varying sizes and specialties
- Should more than 9 constituents volunteer to join the committee, founding organizers will determine who to invite based on who best matches the criteria and best balances the perspectives of the committee
Criteria to volunteer for this committee
- Has attended at least one of the past four general meetings
- Has willingness to volunteer their time for the advancement of the Ven-Con initiative
- Believes in the founding organizers aspiration that improved collaboration between vendors and consultants could lead to improving the association technology landscape
- Brings an open posture of curiosity to dialogue and a willingness to co-create with colleagues who may also be competitors
- Strong professional boundaries and communication skills
Commitments of committee members
- Prioritize attending General Meetings when feasible
- Beyond General Meetings, commit to up to 4 hours of work per month between now and the creation of the Advisory Council (anticipated by July 1, 2025)
- Openness to explore potential cost sharing of live events (anticipated to be in November 2024 and April 2025)
- Lay out and document the planning process needed to establish the Advisory Council
- Define constituency “membership” in Ven-Con for the purpose of selecting the inaugural Advisory Council
- Provide regular reports on committee activities to constituents prior to every General Meeting
- Communications after General Meetings
- Finalize the Planning Committee by December 2nd, 2024
- The target for establishing the Advisory Council is July 1, 2025